
Kopfschmerzen können ihre Ursache auch im Kiefergelenk haben.

Dr. Udo Hock
Dr. Martin Mangelkramer
Dr. Christian-A. Mangelkramer

Langangerweg 27a
92224 Amberg

Tel 09621 / 64 665

Welcome to our dental office

On this web site, we would like to give a short overview of our dental office and inform you about our various treatments:

Two English-speaking doctors endeavor to maintain your dental health. During your visit in our dental office, our assistants, who also speak English, are attending you.

Our spectrum of treatments covers all fields of modern dentistry:

  • Prophylaxis (tooth cleaning, sealing)
  • Preserving dentistry (fillings, endodontic treatment of root canals)
  • Dental surgery (extractions of wisdom teeth, rootresections)
  • High-quality prosthodontics (both fixed and removable)
  • Dental implants (if necessary with bone augmentation)
  • Treatment of cranio-mandibular dysorders (grinding, pains in the temporo- mandibular joint)

Our practice particularly focuses on computer-based treatment via the CEREC 3D system.